Website Design   

Understanding Your Business

When designing a website, the facts about the business and the profile of your desired clientele are key in developing a consumer journey through the pages of your site.  The intake interview is crucial in creating a website proof  headed in the direction you desire.

Website Design and Development starts with a conversation to gather information


Face-to-face consultation (in person or online) to learn about your business and your clientele and to review your competition.


Collecting Information for the Build, User Names and Passwords for supporting entities, images, content, color and font choices.  We will also discuss a desired layout.


Utilizing all information to prepare the Initial Proof

Let's talk about your website

Want to be prepared for the website intake call?

  • Collect the User Names and Passwords to the following so we can sync your look and feel across the web.
  • Domain
  • Google My Business
  • Facebook/Instagram
  • Disable two-party authentication to allow easy access to repoint your domain to your new content when it is ready.
  • Have any image you want on your site saved in a .jpg or .png format and ready to upload
  • Have color decision made - a hex code is appreciated
  • Font Style?  What type of font do you prefer?