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PM Website Solution

Affordable Website Design & Development in Canton, GA

No Monthly Charges

Get high-quality, affordable website design and development in Canton, GA. Enjoy custom websites with a one-time payment and no monthly fees. Enhance your business’s online presence with local expertise!

Discover Premier Website Design & Development Services in Canton, GA

Elevate your business with top-notch, affordable website design and development right here in Canton, GA. I offer custom websites crafted with over 20 years of experience in creating impactful marketing strategies and clear brand identities. Benefit from:

  • One-Time Payment: Enjoy high-quality web design with no monthly fees, ensuring clear and straightforward pricing.

  • Expert Craftsmanship: With a passion for design and a commitment to excellence, I create easy-to-navigate, well-optimized websites that stand out.

  • Local Expertise: Leverage my deep understanding of the Canton market to enhance your online presence and connect effectively with your audience.

Transform your online presence with a website that’s both affordable and exceptional. Let’s work together to bring your vision to life in Canton, GA!

Ready to get started with a website that looks great and coverts well but isn't costing you a monthly fee?

What makes a website strong?

  • It is important to have a clear direction and know what your site is for, but even more importantly, knowing what it is not for.
  • Identify your audience - what is your customer profile? Are you hitting the wants and needs of the consumer with your site message?  Can you service them in the timeframe they are seeking?  Do you offer something to them that is more compelling than your competition?  How authoritative are you in your industry?  Would past consumers recommend you?  Do you have the right trust signals?
  •  Easy navigation - Is it easy to work out how you get around your site?
  • Does your site have good visibility in organic search results?
  • Your site should be unique and distinctive and be designed to appeal to your users.  If your images aren’t good, your site won’t look good, either
  • Does your website convey the same message you're putting on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other places you advertise.
  • Does your content deliver the message to your consumer AND the search engines?
  • Do you have a call to action strategy?

Designing your website for consumer navigation
website design for easy customer use

How I work

  • + Are we a fit?

    We will meet either in person or online - I'll send you a link.  During this conversation we will determine if I can work with you and if you can work with me.  We will talk about the price per page and set the expectations of our relationship.  I only take on a few new clients each month and the important part of that decision for me is your committment to build a great site!

  • + Do I have your approval to start?

    Once we have completed the intake interview, I will collect the deposit and begin to build your site.  

  • + Do we agree on price?

    I charge a $250 set-up fee and $100 per page to build your site.  Google indexes web pages, not web sites, and it is important to have a site built that clearly defines your business.  

  • + Will you be available for feedback?

    Depending on the size and scope of your site, it is important to have firm dates set to review the work in progress. It is important to insure the site is headed in the right direction.   I always make myself  available on the date and time we agree upon. Will you do the same?

  • + Finish on schedule

    I will honor our agreed upon timeframe - if additional items are added, we will always discuss how that will affect price and finish!

About Me

After the sale of my own marketing business in 2003 , I worked for a very large digital marketing provider servicing small to medium size businesses.  I have heard the concerns and understand the needs of the business owners and made the decision to leave the corporate wants behind and set out on my own to do what is in the best interest of the client.